Pequea Valley Education Foundation
The Pequea Valley Education Foundation (PVEF) was formed in 2013 to promote and enrich the educational, cultural, athletic, health and wellness of students and residents in the Pequea Valley community. Our goals are to provide PV students with expanded learning opportunities and honor the achievements of PV learners, staff, and the community. In order to achieve these goals, the PVEF looks forward to working with donations in-kind of supplies and services or monetary donations to form funding that will contribute to the Pequea Valley School District now and in the future.
The PVEF supports all schools in the district with scholarships, recognition, training, and technology support. A few of our many grants have been used for Field Experience Trips to Williamsburg, VA and Sturbridge, MA, the Outdoor Learning Center @ Salisbury Elementary School, T.R.I.B.E. trips on the Appalachian Trail and to Glacier National Park, MT, Manufacturing Week @ PVIS, Girvin's Gardeners, and other various classroom projects and events.