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Nutrition Tips

10 Tips for Teaching Your Child Good Nutrition


veggies in a heart shape

Teaching your child about healthy eating habits is a very important start in creating a healthy lifestyle. It is also sometimes a very big challenge. Here we provide ten tips for teaching your child good nutrition:



  1. Be a great role model.
  1. Keep healthy snacks within easy reach.
  1. Try to be as consistent as possible with meals and snacks.
  1. Fix foods the way kids like them.
  1. Encourage your child to try new foods.
  1. Have family meals as often as possible.
  1. Start working on 5 A Day first thing in the morning.
  1. Let your children help with meals.
  1. Use low-fat dips to spice up raw fruits and vegetables.
  1. Serve great tasting desserts- without the fat and calories.