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Pequea Valley School District continues to have safety as a top priority with our learners, staff, and parents.  Our staff and learners participate in a variety of monthly safety drills to better prepare us for potential emergency situations.

After the drills are conducted, the school safety teams examine the efficiency of our drills and continue to improve our trainings and safety.

We also have a district safety committee which meets once a month to discuss concerns and review our district plan for safety.   Pequea Valley School District partners with the IU13 Safety and Security Cohort, as well as the PA State Police.

NEW for 2019-2020 school year: The PVSD has established a threat assessment team at each of our buildings.  The purpose of these teams is the assessment of and intervention with students whose behaviors may indicate a threat to the safety of the student, other students, school employees, school facilities, the community and others.


Our team includes:

Cathy Koenig, Director of Student Services/ Safety Coordinator

Amy Koberstein , Assistant Principal PVHS

Meredith Burnett, Social Worker

Kati Pusey, School Psychologist

Jason Davis, School Counselor, PVHS

Tim Hess, Assistant Principal, PVIS

Katie Fritz, School Counselor, PVIS

Geriann Lambert, Assistant to the Principal, Paradise

Kelly Loder, Counselor, Paradise

Emily Ross, School Psychologist

Sheri McGowan, Principal, Salisbury

Chris Laudo, Counselor, Salisbury

If you have any questions please feel free to contact Cathy Koenig , Safety Coordinator or any building administrators. 

Safety Letter 19-20

Resource from NASP Talking to Our Children About Violence

Helping Students Recover from TraumaGuide to

Helping Student Deal with TraumaSafe to Say Parent Letter

Safe to Say Parent Letter

Safe to Say Parent Brochure

Safe to Say One Page Reference