The Student Service Team
Ms. Cathy Koenig
Director of Student Service & Special Education
Mrs. Gena Beegle
Administrative Assistant for Director of Student Service & Special Education
Mrs. Jennifer Gilman
Special Education Consultant
Mrs. Heather Yoder
PIMS/Child Accounting Coordinator
Ms. Katie Fritz and Mrs. Emily Ross
Mrs. Meredith Burnett and Mrs. Carrie Carrao
Social Workers
Ms. Joy Lewis, & Mrs. Alison Montagna
School Nurses
Miss Kelly Loder (Paradise), Mr. Joshua Whitelaw (Salisbury)
Ms. Susan Martz (PVIS)
Mr. Jason Davis, Ms. Lela Fredricks (PVHS)
School Counselors
Bryce Burns, Jessica Clemson-Graham, Angela DeBalko, & Amanda Lopez
Salisbury Special Education Team
Megan McGill, Brianna Nelson, Robert Peterson, Lori Young, & Makenzie Battavio
Paradise Special Education Team
Lesley Boyd, Trey Marsh & Kate Phillips
Pequea Valley Intermediate School Special Education Team
Mike Choi, April Sutherland & Sandy Whiteside
Pequea Valley High School Special Education Team
Lindsay Arbutina & Lauren Lefever
Speech and Language Pathologist
Bethany Schrum & Samantha Donmoyer
Occupational Therapist/Physical Therapist
Rob Webb
Gifted Services
Deanne Morales (Paradise), Charles Goodrich (Salisbury), Jen Bilby (PVIS/PVHS)
ELD Facilitators