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Early Learning Partners

Pequea Valley Early Learning Partners

Pequea Valley is proud to have many early learning partners in the community. We know that many positive relationships are vital to a learner's successful transition into Kindergarten, and we believe our collaboration with local preschools and organizations will directly benefit our learners' success.

Community Partners



We believe that collaboration between organizations greatly increases the academic success of your child. PV has partnered with various local organizations and agencies to increase the resources available to you and your child before your child begins Kindergarten. Below are a list of our community partners who are supporters of Pequea Valley's Building Braves Program.

Community Action Partnership

The Factory Ministries

Grace Point Church

The Literacy Council of Lancaster

Pequea Valley Public Library

First 10 Partnership Pathways Core Team 

Lancaster Early Intervention Birth to Three

Together Initiative Network

 Rotary Club of Paradise

Lancaster County Early Intervention