Title I
Title 1 is the nation's largest federal assistance program for school. The money is used to develop programs to help support learners at risk. Facilitators and other staff work closely together to ensure that every child gets a high quality education.
- Parental Engagement Policy
- Title I Compact - English
- Title I Compact - Spanish
- Parents Right-To-Know Letter - English
- Parents Right-To-Know Letter - Spanish
- Parents Right-To-Know Letter - Vietnamese
- Parents Right-To-Know Letter - Arabic
Schoolwide Plans
- Intermediate School - English
- Intermediate School - Spanish
- Intermediate School - Vietnamese
- Intermediate School - Arabic
- Paradise Elementary - English
- Paradise Elementary - Spanish
- Paradise Elementary - Vietnamese
- Paradise Elementary - Arabic
- Salisbury Elementary - English
- Salisbury Elementary - Spanish
- Salisbury Elementary - Vietnamese
- Salisbury Elementary - Arabic