August 1, 2023 Committee Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, August 1, 2023
7:00 p.m.
- Building Project Update........................................................................... John Bowden & Fred Kendall
- PV Post-Secondary Learner First Choice Roadmap.................................................................. Rich Eby
- PV Early Learning Initiative Update (pdf version)............................................. Rich Eby & Lisa Eckert
- Public Participation (School Board Policy)
- Chief of Finance and Operations’ Recommendations:
On a motion by ____ and a second by ____, approval was given for the following Consent Agenda Items A - B.(rc)
- Personnel
Elena Germaine, Grade 6 Learning Facilitator, Salisbury Elementary School, effective August 8, 2022.
Salary: $81,882 (M, Step 14)
Elena Germain earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education/Early Childhood from Penn State University and her Master’s Degree in Education from Wilkes University. She most recently taught 5th grade at Mountain View Elementary School in the Central Dauphin School District.
Change in Status:
Holly Lerch, from Grade 6 Long-term Substitute Learning Facilitator to full-time Grade 6 Learning Facilitator, Paradise Elementary School, effective August 8, 2022.
Salary: $63,057 (B, Step 5)
Holly Lerch earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education from West Chester University. She was a district-wide floating substitute for a number of years at PVSD and was a 6th grade long-term substitute during the 2022-2023 school year.
- Approval of Minutes, Financial Reports, and Bills as follows: