May 16, 2024 Regular Meeting Agenda
Pequea Valley School Board
May 16, 2024
7:00 PM
SCHOOL BOARD RECOGNITION – The following learners will be recognized:
· The Girls’ Basketball team and Ethan Wanner (swimming) – 100 Breast and 200 IM) will be recognized for an amazing season and qualifying for states.
· TSA will be recognized for their success at the state competition level.
On a motion by _____ and a second by _____, the Board approved the May 7, 2024, Committee meeting minutes. (rc)
On a motion by _____ and a second by _____, approval was given for the following Consent Agenda Items A-O. (rc)
A. For the following list of depositories:
· Fulton Bank, Penn Square, Lancaster, PA 17601
· FNB, 4140 East State Street, Hermitage, PA 16148
· Pennsylvania School District Liquid Asset Fund, 500 First Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
B. An agreement with Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13 approving membership in the Special Education Legal Consortium at a cost of $1,141 for the term July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025.
C. An agreement with Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13 approving membership in the Technology Legal Consortium at a cost of $18,480 (to be divided equally by participating districts) for the 2024-2025 school year.
D. Approval of the proposed 2024-2025 Lancaster County Academy Budget totaling $514,083.
E. An agreement with River Rock Academy for five student slots at a total cost of $165,575 over a ten-month period for the 2024-2025 school year.
F. Approval was given to adopt a resolution authorizing proposed final budget display and advertising for the 2024-2025 fiscal year per Saxton & Stump.
The secretary must advertise a Final Budget Notice as presented to the School Board in a newspaper of general circulation at least ten days before the scheduled adoption.
G. A contract with Literati Book Fair to provide elementary book fairs for the spring of 2025.
H. Approval for the next PDE Flexible Instruction Day three-year cycle application, 2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027.
I. A contract with B&B Integrations to provide upgrades to the stadium sound system, at a cost of $70,110, to be paid out of capital reserve.
J. Approval of two traffic signals on Rt. 772. PVSD will purchase and install the signs and control signage. Leacock Township will bill the district for maintenance and ownership.
K. A contract with Right at School, LLC to provide before and after school care at both Paradise and Salisbury Elementary for PV school age children.
L. Approval to purchase Activate Learning Science Resource to assist in implementing the newly required PDE STEELS (Science, Technology, Engineering, Environment, Literacy) standards, at the cost of $44,598. The first revised state assessment aligned to these new standards will be administered in the 2025-2026 school year.
M. Approval to accept a $35,000 grant from PCCD.
This money will be used for a continued partnership with Compass Mark at Salisbury Elementary School and the secondary campus, continued support for the Student Assistance Program (SAP), and continued assistance for Positive Behavior Support (PBIS) incentives and speakers.
N. A contract with Penn Medicine to provide athletic training services for three years as follows:
· 2024-2025 - $35,000 plus $50 overtime hourly rate
· 2025-2026 - $36,050 plus $50 overtime hourly rate
· 2026-2027 - $37,100 plus $50 overtime hourly rate
The district will contract with Penn Medicine to provide athletic training services for all sports in order to free up time for the athletic director. The athletic director will in turn provide grades 7-12 day-to-day substitute teaching. The savings from contracting for a daily substitute teacher would help offset the cost of the athletic trainers contract.
O. The following Instructional Software and Diagnostic Assessment programs for the 2024-2025 school year:
Software |
Cost |
Software |
Cost |
Acadience/Voyager Sopris |
$2,100.00 |
IXL Learning |
$29,408.00 |
Achieve 3000/Actively Learn |
$40,647.50 |
Learn By Doing (Albert) |
$750.00 |
Amplify (mClass DIBELS 8 with Dyslexia Screening |
$11,920.00 |
Newsela |
$18,965.71 |
Amplify (mClass Intervention) |
$7,700.00 |
$11,200.00 |
Edmentum (Study Island) PVHS |
$2,591.25 |
Renaissance (STAR & Freckle) |
$16,563.70 |
Explore Learning (Gizmos, Reflex, Frax) |
$11,934.02 |
Vantage Learning (My Access) |
$5,138.75 |
Get More Math |
$10,066.10 |
| |
$3,500.00 |
Happy Numbers |
$5,800.00 |
Xello |
$4,985.76 |
On a motion by _____ and a second by _____, approval was given for the following Consent Agenda Items A-D. (rc)
A. The resolution appointing John Bowden, Chief of Finance and Operations, as tax collector for the 2024-2025 school year.
B. Approval of the following Board Policies:
· #122.1...... Extracurricular Code of Conduct
· #123........ Interscholastic Athletics
· #123.1...... Athletic Code of Conduct
· #249........ Bullying/Cyberbullying
C. The expulsion of Student A for one school year, May 2024 through May 2025, for drug related incidents that took place at school between November 13, 2023 and April 5, 2024.
D. Personnel.
A. Replacement of Work Trucks
On a motion by _____ and a second by _____, approval was given to replace two maintenance/plow trucks from New Holland Auto, in the amount of $146,117.10 (less trade-in value - Government Contract Pricing).
B. Election of Board Treasurer
On a motion by _____ and a second by _____, Steve Riehl was elected Treasurer of the Pequea Valley School Board for the period of June 1, 2024, through May 31, 2025.
C. Agenda topics for June 3, 2024, Committee meeting
· Building Project Update
· 2023-2024 General Fund Budget
· HDC Housing
· Pre-apprenticeship Presentation