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November 7, 2023, Committee Meeting Agenda



Tuesday, November 7, 2023
7:00 p.m. 



  1. Manufacturing Week (Powerpoint) (PDF)............................................................. PVIS Staff Members
  2. Building Project Update (Architect Update)............................................. John Bowden & Fred Kendall
  3. Track Co-Op .......................................................................................... Mandy Howe & Ben Gardinier
  4. Capital Reserve/General Fund Budget Updates...................................... Gavin Scalyer & John Bowden
  5. Food Service - Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) Option ......................................... Gavin Scalyer
  6. Public Participation (School Board Policy)
  7. Chief of Finance and Operations Recommendations:
    On a motion by _____ and a second by _____ approval was given for the following Consent Agenda Items A-C (rc).

         A.  Sale of Property

    To approve the sale of 5311 Lincoln Hwy, a property placed in the “Repository for Unsold Properties” in the amount of $1,000.
    1. An agreement with Cross Country Staffing, Inc. for temporary nurse staffing services, effective October 31, 2023, for one year, at the following rates:
  • RN       $50/hour
  • LPN     $42/hour
  • CNA    $25/hour
    1. Approval of Minutes, Financial Reports, and Bills as follows: