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September 5, 2023 Committee Meeting Agenda

 Tuesday, September 5, 2023 
7:00 p.m.


  1. Building Project Update........................................................................... John Bowden & Fred Kendall
  2. School Board Policy Discussion.............................................................................................. Rich Eby
  3. Safety Update and Discussion (PCCD Grant).................................................................... Cathy Koenig
  4. Public Participation  (School Board Policy)
  5. Chief of Finance and Operations Recommendations:         
    A. Personnel


    Caleb Miller, Emotional Support Learning Facilitator, Salisbury Elementary School, effective September 8, 2023. Salary: $62,957 (B, Step 3)

    Caleb Miller graduated from Millersville University in 2019. He was an autistic support teacher at Muhlenberg School District for the 2021-22 school year and Hempfield School District for the 2022-23 school year.

    BApproval of Minutes, Financial Reports, and Bills as follows:
  1.       Approval of Minutes:          August 10, 2023, regular meeting
  2.       Financial Reports:               July 2023
  3.       Presentation of Bills:           July 2023   
  4.       Student Activity Report:     July 2023